
Woodway News


April 28th, 2020

At Woodway USA Inc., we are dedicated to keeping our valued customers first. In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, we understand safety and sanitation are of utmost importance for your facility and the need for frequent and thorough cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces has greatly increased.

As part of our promise, as your partner in fitness, Woodway is committed to helping maintain healthy environments for you and your members. To assist in your efforts, we are recommending this list of cleaning solutions and guidance for application on Woodway Treadmills.

Please note, there is a difference between cleaning and disinfecting your equipment.

  • According to the CDC, cleaning removes germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or objects. Cleaning works by using soap (or detergent) and water to physically remove germs from surfaces. This process does not necessarily kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection.
  • Disinfecting uses chemicals to kill germs on surfaces or objects. This process does not clean dirty surfaces but kills germs on a surface after cleaning. It can further lower the risk of spreading infection.

Woodway recommends that you both clean and disinfect your fitness equipment.

First, wash surfaces on the machine to remove germs. Apply the cleaner to a clean soft cotton cloth and use to wipe down equipment. Avoid spraying any cleaner directly onto equipment to prevent entering openings and causing corrosion or damage to electrical components.

Recommended and approved cleaners:

  • Treadmill:
    • Non-abrasive, pH balanced cleaning solutions. 
    • We use 50:50 409 and water
    • Mild dish soap and water (1:10 diluted)
  • Consoles: 
    • If treadmill is equipped with a ProSmart display, use only 70% or greater isopropyl alcohol wipes to clean the touchscreen

Recommended and approved disinfectants
After thoroughly wiping cleaner off machine:

  • 2XL Gym Wipes™
    • 2XL’s products are specially formulated to remove sweat and grime conveniently without harming workout surfaces. 2XL created GymWipes towelettes to be effective and safe on all surfaces. GymWipes products contain no alcohol, no ammonia or other harsh chemicals.

Use only approved cleaners and dilute properly. Using other solutions or incorrect dilutions may result in corrosion and/or damage to your treadmills including dulling of finish. Disinfectant products may require remaining on the surface for a certain period of time (i.e. 3-5 minutes) but be sure to wipe off after this period of time to ensure it does not corrode or damage product.

IMPORTANT DO NOT use bleach, alcohol (except for touchscreen ONLY ≥70% isopropyl alcohol), degreasers, paint thinners, acidic cleaners or corrosive chemicals. Doing so will weaken the powder coat on frames, discolor covers, and damage consoles or screens. Avoid the use of high acidic cleaners (pH of 4.0 or less) or corrosive chemicals (pH of 11.5 or higher).

Woodway recommends cleaning each piece of equipment before and after use. Trained staff members should disinfect the machines once or twice daily. Frequency should vary with facility traffic. It is also recommended that your staff use the appropriate protective clothing (e.g., gloves, mask) as specified by the product’s manufacturer.

Best Practices

  • Provide 2XL Gym Wipes™ or cleaning solution throughout your facility. As a precaution, equipment should be wiped down before and after each use. Benches, mats, dumbbells, medicine balls, and fitness accessories should always be wiped down after use too.
  • Depending on the frequency of use, staff should wipe down all equipment at least once or twice per day. Remembering to spray the cloth and NOT the equipment.
  • It may be necessary to use multiple wipes to keep the surface wet for required length of time for proper disinfecting.
  • Remind employees to regularly wash their hands with soap and water. The CDC recommends scrubbing hands for at least 20 seconds.
  • Post reminders on cleanliness best practices for employees and guests.
  • Use proper protective clothing while cleaning (i.e. gloves or masks) as recommended by manufacturer.
  • We recommend you try out cleaning methods on inconspicuous areas to check for any cosmetic issues, especially if deviating from the Woodway approved list.

For up to date information on prevention and community resources, please refer to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Otherwise contact our Service Department for Woodway related questions at 262-548-6235 ext. 3.

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