
What Is an Insurance Trust Agreement

Insurance Trust Agreement: Understanding the Basics

A trust is a legal agreement that allows a trustee to manage assets on behalf of a beneficiary. In the case of an insurance trust agreement, the assets in question are life insurance policies. If you are considering setting up an insurance trust agreement, it is important to understand the basics of what it is, how it works, and its benefits.

What is an Insurance Trust Agreement?

An insurance trust agreement is a legal contract that transfers ownership of a life insurance policy from the policyholder to a trustee. The trustee then manages the policy and any proceeds that it generates on behalf of a designated beneficiary. The policyholder can be an individual or a company, while the trustee is typically a legal entity such as a bank, attorney, or trust company.

How does an Insurance Trust Agreement work?

To set up an insurance trust agreement, the policyholder must first transfer ownership of the policy to the designated trustee. This transfer of ownership is irrevocable, meaning that once it is done, the policyholder no longer has any rights or access to the policy. The trustee then manages the policy, such as paying premiums and filing claims, and maintains it according to the conditions of the trust.

When the policyholder passes away, the trustee distributes the proceeds of the policy to the designated beneficiary or beneficiaries of the trust. This distribution of the proceeds is usually tax-free and can be done immediately after the policyholder`s death or over a period of time agreed upon in the trust agreement.

What are the Benefits of an Insurance Trust Agreement?

An insurance trust agreement has several benefits that make it a popular estate planning tool. Here are some of its main advantages:

1. Avoiding estate taxes – Since the proceeds of the policy are not considered part of the policyholder`s estate, they are not subject to estate taxes. This can result in significant tax savings for the policyholder`s heirs.

2. Protecting assets – An insurance trust agreement can protect the policy proceeds from creditors, lawsuits, and other legal claims against the policyholder.

3. Ensuring proper management – By designating a trustee to manage the policy, the policyholder can be assured that the policy will be handled in a responsible and appropriate manner.

4. Providing for loved ones – An insurance trust agreement can provide a reliable source of income for a designated beneficiary or beneficiaries after the policyholder`s death.


An insurance trust agreement can be an effective estate planning tool for those who want to ensure that their loved ones are provided for after their passing. It can provide tax savings, asset protection, proper management, and a reliable source of income. If you are considering setting up an insurance trust agreement, be sure to consult with an experienced financial advisor and attorney to determine if it is the right solution for your needs.