
Discretionary Agreement Definition

When it comes to legal contracts, there are several types of agreements that can be used to outline the terms and conditions of a business deal. One such agreement is the discretionary agreement.

A discretionary agreement is a legal contract that allows one party to exercise its discretion in performing certain obligations outlined in the agreement. The term “discretion” refers to the power or freedom to make decisions based on one`s own judgment or preference, rather than being bound by strict rules or guidelines.

In a discretionary agreement, one party usually has more authority than the other party, and has the power to make decisions based on their own judgment to comply with the terms of the agreement. For example, a discretionary agreement may be used in a business deal where one party agrees to provide a service or product, and the other party agrees to pay for that service or product. The service provider may be given discretion in performing the service, such as customizing the service to best meet the customer`s needs.

Discretionary agreements can be beneficial for both parties involved in a business deal. The party with discretion often has more control over how they perform their obligations, which can lead to a better outcome for the other party. On the other hand, the other party may benefit from a more tailored service or product that better meets their needs.

However, it is important for both parties to carefully consider the terms of a discretionary agreement before signing it. Discretionary agreements can be complex and may require legal expertise to fully understand. It is important to clearly define the scope of discretion being given, as well as any limitations or restrictions on that discretion.

In conclusion, a discretionary agreement is a legal contract that allows one party to exercise discretion in performing certain obligations outlined in the agreement. While it can be a beneficial option for both parties involved in a business deal, it is important to carefully consider the terms and seek legal counsel before signing such an agreement.